Sunday, March 30, 2008

a feeling of weirdness; interacting with other creatures

a paper i found today discussing the training of dolphins in humanoid vocalisations got me to thinking about how we as a species treat other creatures in our environment, and in turn the environment itself.

the author states that throughout the experiments, he and his coworkers expreienced a seemingly direct correllation between the success of the training and the trainers confidence in the outcome. (and the possible perception of this belief by the dolphin)

he also notes the implications in our treatment of and communication with other creatures and our search for extra-terrestrial life:

"It is not a question of whether we are emotionally prepared in the long run to confront a message from the stars. It is whether we can develop a sense that beings with quite different evolutionary histories, beings who may look far different from us, even "monstrous," may, nevertheless, be worthy of friendship and reverence, brotherhood and trust."


this blog is empty.
here is a walrus.

(from DarkRoastedBlend)