usually, when we tell folks that we have pet rats, their reaction is "eew! gross! why would you want rats for pets?!" most people associate rats with vermin and plague. well if you or anyone you know has had pet rats, you will know that they are intelligent, affectionate, clean, and entertaining pets. i have had a few hamsters and even mice before, and i have to say i like the rats best of all. they smell less, are friendlier, and you can train them and play with them almost as you would a little doggy. we often joke that they remind us of tiny monkeys, the way they behave mischievously and demonstrate their smartness so much. they are adorable and we love them.
World Rat Day- info on the holiday these rats help find old landmines and save lives every day! hero rats!
Rat Assistance and Teaching Society- a great resource of info on pet rats
My Pet Rat- more rat info, lots of cute pictures
Rat Info Sheet- almost everything you need to know about raising a rat