Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama Drama

i need to come clean.

i am 100% pro legalization of marijuana.

this may sound silly to you, but i have several very solid reasons why which will not be elaborated on here at this time. if you would like to know what they are, email me and i will be glad to tell you. the issue i am taking odds with here is the fact that our elected representatives appear to consider our wishes humorous and misguided. if i am not mistaken, the job of an elected representative is to REPRESENT the wishes of their constituents. that is the whole point of representative democracy. someone correct me if i am wrong here.

on March 25th of 2009, our newly elected President held a press conference dealing with the results of an open national online open forum on issues everyday americans wanted to address. (for more info visit, change.org)

the number 1 topic happened to be the decriminalization and/or legalization of cannabis and how it could potentially boost the economy and improve public welfare. apparently, our President found this concept laughable despite the fact that it was such a major concern to the average american. contrary to what he implied during the election advertisement heydey, he is siding with the rest of the old "boys club" on an issue clearly vital to a significant portion of the voting base rather than actually carrying out the wishes of his voters.

enjoy that change?

yes we can.

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